Friday, August 29, 2008

20 weeks and 4 days and names!

I had both doctor appointments this week and both went really well. My cervix is still measuring a 4.5 cm which is what it was 2 weeks ago. My OB says his goal is for me to get to 24 weeks and go from there, but my goal is to get to 32 weeks at the earliest.

The twins have been moving around a lot. Twin A is bottom down head up and twin B is head down bottom up. They are definitely not seeing eachother's better side at this point.

We have finally decided on names, but daddy still has to decide on twin A's middle name. It is all up to him. Twin A will be Kaimi ? Evans, and twin B will be Ellie Klaasje Evans. Her middle name is after my favorite aunt and one of my favortie people. It is a Dutch name. So daddy, hurry up and pick a middle name for Kaimi :). She's waiting!

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