Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Approximate weights

The specialist measured the girls today and to our surprise, Kaimi weighs approximately 6 lbs 11 oz and Ellie is at 7 lbs. Needless to say this is why I can barely move, not to mention that Kaimi's head is right on my cervix causing it to soften and thin out. He said all it would take would be a couple of good contractions to land us in labor and delivery. I can't believe I have almost 14 lbs worth of baby in me! He said we could probably give or take a little, but he is pretty confident about their weights after doing all their measurements.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

I can't believe this is me

I knew that swelling occured in pregnancy, but I never knew to what extent. My feet, ankles, and legs hurt so bad I can barely walk. I've developed blisters on the bottom of my feet due to all the swelling which makes it that much harder to walk. I am having to steal my husband's size 13 shoes to wear and those are still tight. Fortunately, the swelling is nothing to be concerned with according to my doctor. He said that it's just more because I'm pregnant with twins. He said it would probably even stay around 1-3 more weeks after delivery! It's fine though. I wouldn't trade it for the world. We are just so grateful that God has blessed us with this pregnancy and that we haven't had any difficulties. My father in law told me last night he believes it has gone as great as it has because of so many people praying for us. I truly believe that. I have to admit I've been a nervous wreck for a lot of this pregnancy just because of our 2 previous losses. Anyways, we've only got 9 days to go before we meet our precious angels. We cannot wait!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

A definite birthday!

The girls will celebrate their birthday on December 22nd at 7:15 a.m. (unless they decide to come earlier which wouldn't surprise us at all). We pray that they stay put until December 22nd so that we will be able to bring them home with us. We definitely don't want them to come any earlier. We are just so excited we can hardly wait. I will definitely miss being pregnant with them and watching them do all kinds of tricks in my belly as well as pushing eachother futher off to the other side to make more room for each girl. They are pretty entertaining to watch, but we definitely can't wait to hold them, kiss them, and love them. We could not be more blessed.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Possible Birthdate?

I went to the doctor today and he told me he would like to schedule the c-section for December 22nd (my 37th week). He said the nurse would call and make arrangements. Unless there is a conflict with that date, then the 23rd will be their birthday. We have been so blessed with this pregnancy and are over the moon knowing our babies will be here for Christmas. This will be the best Christmas ever!!!!!!! The doctor was so happy for how well things have gone being it a high risk pregnancy and all. Now it is just a matter of waiting 3 more weeks until we see our precious little angels. I am desperately going to miss watching and feeling them move in my belly. It is so entertaining to watch the both of them. It is also very entertaining to feel them have the hiccups at the same time. It will also be great finally getting to hold them and have my body feel somewhat normal again. My back hurts so bad, and my PUPP itches so bad that I make my skin bleed. Hopefully that will go away soon after delivery. Anyways, they are so worth all of it. I wouldn't trade a moment of this pregnancy for anything in the world. The Lord has blessed us more than we could have ever imagined. Thank you to everyone for all of your prayers over the last 8 months!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

32 week belly shot

Exciting News

I went to the OB on Monday and to my specialist on Tuesday. The great news is that my fetal fibronectin test came back negative which means I will not be going into labor in the next 2 weeks. This means we are safe until week 34 (I'm 32 weeks now). The specialist did the girls' monthly growth scan to make sure they are growing on schedule and that one is not stealing all the groceries and room in my belly. During this week twins weigh 3.45-4 lbs. Kaimi weighed in at 4 lb 10 oz and Ellie weighed in at 4 lb 13 oz. They are a week ahead of schedule. The specialist said we are probably looking to schedule the c-section towards the end of my 36th week to the beginning of the 37th week. He said we should for sure have them home for Christmas!!! So we are looking around the 19th-22nd of December unless they decide to come on their own before that. We pray that they stay in my belly and continue to grow until the doctors say it is showtime. I guess I can kiss all the preemie clothes that I've already bought and washed goodbye since it looks like we may have some good sized babies. Needless to say we are over the moon with excitement and can hardly wait to meet our 2 little angels.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

29th week photo

Pumpkin Patch 2008

I am a terrible blogger

The girls aren't even here yet and I already don't find the time to keep up with this blog. I am going to have to do better especially once they arrive so I can keep everyone updated on how they are doing. I wish we lived closer to everyone. I miss seeing all of our friends and family on a somewhat regular basis. Well, I am approaching my 30th week which is a huge milestone in a twin pregnancy. We are so blessed that things have gone as wonderful as they have. We anxiously await the arrival of Kaimi and Ellie, but also understand they have to stay put a few weeks more. I am definitely getting bigger by the day, sometimes I think it might be by the hour. Kurt swears up and down that I have grown from the time he leaves for work in the morning until he gets home at night. Fortunately, this is not an everyday comment :)

I will try to do better at the blogging. I have another doctor's appt. on Monday. They will do the dreaded fetal fibronectin test (FFN) that they do every 2 weeks. It is extremely painful, but it can indicate if I am likely to go into labor within the next 2 weeks or not. I know all will be great though.

Have a great day!!!

Monday, September 29, 2008

Great news

I had both doctor visits last week and everything went great! Blood pressure is great, no gestational diabetes, and a great cervical length. It was actually at 6 cm this time. I also had a fibronectin test done which can determine if I may possibly go into labor in the next 2 weeks. That also came back negative. The specialist said with my cervix at a good length and the fibronectin test being negative I have a less than 5% chance of going into labor before my 32nd week. The Lord has truly blessed us in so many ways. He continues to answer so many prayers. We could not be more grateful.

The growth ultrasound showed that the twins are on track and doing great. Kaimi was 1 lb 11 oz and Ellie was 1 lb 8 oz. I even got to watch Ellie sucking her thumb and kicking her sister. They are very active and I am loving every second of it. Ellie kept looking at us and being a ham, whereas Kaimi didn't want to look at us, but was so active it took a while to get all of her measurements. I was not surprised because I feel Kaimi move constantly, whereas Ellie is a little more "calmer".

Kurt finally decided on a middle name for Kaimi.....It is going to be Kaimi Maleah and of course we have Ellie Klaasje. We cannot wait until the day we get to meet and hold them. I will miss feeling their every move in my belly. It is so much fun to feel and watch.

Friday, August 29, 2008

20 weeks and 4 days and names!

I had both doctor appointments this week and both went really well. My cervix is still measuring a 4.5 cm which is what it was 2 weeks ago. My OB says his goal is for me to get to 24 weeks and go from there, but my goal is to get to 32 weeks at the earliest.

The twins have been moving around a lot. Twin A is bottom down head up and twin B is head down bottom up. They are definitely not seeing eachother's better side at this point.

We have finally decided on names, but daddy still has to decide on twin A's middle name. It is all up to him. Twin A will be Kaimi ? Evans, and twin B will be Ellie Klaasje Evans. Her middle name is after my favorite aunt and one of my favortie people. It is a Dutch name. So daddy, hurry up and pick a middle name for Kaimi :). She's waiting!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

August 7, 2008

I have decided to try to do this in order for people to keep up with what is going on in our busy lives. In the last year we have suffered to miscarriages. After lots of testing doctors could not find the cause to our losses. After months of testing and waiting we decided to try again in April. Low and behold we found out we were pregnant again on May 5, 2008. We were very surprised that it happened so quickly and extremely excited and nervous. On May 13th I went in complaining of a lot of pain on my left side so they decided to do an early ultrasound. I asked the sonographer if she saw anything and she said she did. I asked if everything looked o.k. and she said if I promised not to say anything to the doctor (for fear she may get in trouble) she said I'll let you see. She turned the screen towards me and said, "here is one and here is the other." I could not believe it was twins! Anyone who knows me well enough knows that I have ALWAYS wanted twins! We knew right away that they were fraternal because they were in 2 seperate sacs. When I called Kurt with the news he did not believe me. I had to convince him for about 5 minutes. It was all clear to me now that our previous miscarriages happened for a reason. I always knew that God had his plans which are different from our plans, but He knew my heart's desire for twins and He blessed us more than we could have ever imagined! Everything DOES happen for a reason even though we may not know it at the time, if ever.

At this time we have been told that we are going to have twin girls! Let's hope they are right since we just had someone paint the nursery a lilac color. I don't think a boy would go for that. We are pretty sure since the sonographer and doctor both did seperate ultrasounds. Quite a surprise to us because we were so sure it was one of each since that is what is in my family. I have twin boy/girl cousins, my dad has twin boy/girl cousins, and not to mention you have a higher chance of having the boy/girl combination versus the same sex combo. We don't care what they are. We just pray for healthy twins. So far everything is going great with the pregnancy (with the exception of severe morning sickness the first trimester). I didn't know it was possible to be that sick. I was vomiting almost daily sometimes twice daily, nauseated for 24 hours a day. I was so sick I went some days with no food or if I was lucky maybe 100-200 calories. I couldn't drink water or suck on ice. The thought of, sight, smell, or hearing the word food made me sick. I could not stand to shower for the smell of shampoo, soap, lotion, etc made me sick. It is all worth it though. The doctor said everything was much worse and exaggerated for me due to it being a twin pregnancy. Even though I am nearing the end of my 17th week I am still struggling with nausea and food adversions like you could not imagine. I am still having to force myself to eat. I am definitely looking forward to the day that I pig out.

I am not only seeing my regular OB, but I have to see the perinatologist every 2 weeks for cervix length checks since I am at a higher risk for preterm delivery. I pray hard that the twins do not arrive before 34 weeks. It was a great length, 5 cm, on July 30th. My next appt. is August 15th. If it begins to shorten any he said I may be put on some moderate bed rest and definitely limit my activities. The perinatologist also does sonograms every time we go in to check for growth, placental changes, and any concerns he may encounter. Kurt and I love seeing the twins every time we go. They are very acrobatic and both seem to have Kurt's goofy side already. The twins' original due date is January 12th, but that is a 40 week pregnancy. With twins they typically come around 36 weeks. It looks as if we may have the best Christmas EVER if they come around the 36 week mark. I will definitely be having a c-section no ifs, ands, or buts. I am totally o.k. with that. In fact I would rather it be a c-section. If they are not here by the 38th week they will go ahead and take them. This could happen earlier too depending on how they are growing and thriving. With twins it is considered a high risk pregnancy and the risks include, greater chance for gestational diabetes, preeclampsia, intra-uterine growth restriction, pre-term birth, and placenta previa (which I have right now, but that could change) and placental abruption. I have put all my trust in the Lord and I know he is and will take good care of us so I am not too concerned.

As soon as I can, I will post some pictures of the twins and maybe even my pregnant belly!