Thursday, August 7, 2008

August 7, 2008

I have decided to try to do this in order for people to keep up with what is going on in our busy lives. In the last year we have suffered to miscarriages. After lots of testing doctors could not find the cause to our losses. After months of testing and waiting we decided to try again in April. Low and behold we found out we were pregnant again on May 5, 2008. We were very surprised that it happened so quickly and extremely excited and nervous. On May 13th I went in complaining of a lot of pain on my left side so they decided to do an early ultrasound. I asked the sonographer if she saw anything and she said she did. I asked if everything looked o.k. and she said if I promised not to say anything to the doctor (for fear she may get in trouble) she said I'll let you see. She turned the screen towards me and said, "here is one and here is the other." I could not believe it was twins! Anyone who knows me well enough knows that I have ALWAYS wanted twins! We knew right away that they were fraternal because they were in 2 seperate sacs. When I called Kurt with the news he did not believe me. I had to convince him for about 5 minutes. It was all clear to me now that our previous miscarriages happened for a reason. I always knew that God had his plans which are different from our plans, but He knew my heart's desire for twins and He blessed us more than we could have ever imagined! Everything DOES happen for a reason even though we may not know it at the time, if ever.

At this time we have been told that we are going to have twin girls! Let's hope they are right since we just had someone paint the nursery a lilac color. I don't think a boy would go for that. We are pretty sure since the sonographer and doctor both did seperate ultrasounds. Quite a surprise to us because we were so sure it was one of each since that is what is in my family. I have twin boy/girl cousins, my dad has twin boy/girl cousins, and not to mention you have a higher chance of having the boy/girl combination versus the same sex combo. We don't care what they are. We just pray for healthy twins. So far everything is going great with the pregnancy (with the exception of severe morning sickness the first trimester). I didn't know it was possible to be that sick. I was vomiting almost daily sometimes twice daily, nauseated for 24 hours a day. I was so sick I went some days with no food or if I was lucky maybe 100-200 calories. I couldn't drink water or suck on ice. The thought of, sight, smell, or hearing the word food made me sick. I could not stand to shower for the smell of shampoo, soap, lotion, etc made me sick. It is all worth it though. The doctor said everything was much worse and exaggerated for me due to it being a twin pregnancy. Even though I am nearing the end of my 17th week I am still struggling with nausea and food adversions like you could not imagine. I am still having to force myself to eat. I am definitely looking forward to the day that I pig out.

I am not only seeing my regular OB, but I have to see the perinatologist every 2 weeks for cervix length checks since I am at a higher risk for preterm delivery. I pray hard that the twins do not arrive before 34 weeks. It was a great length, 5 cm, on July 30th. My next appt. is August 15th. If it begins to shorten any he said I may be put on some moderate bed rest and definitely limit my activities. The perinatologist also does sonograms every time we go in to check for growth, placental changes, and any concerns he may encounter. Kurt and I love seeing the twins every time we go. They are very acrobatic and both seem to have Kurt's goofy side already. The twins' original due date is January 12th, but that is a 40 week pregnancy. With twins they typically come around 36 weeks. It looks as if we may have the best Christmas EVER if they come around the 36 week mark. I will definitely be having a c-section no ifs, ands, or buts. I am totally o.k. with that. In fact I would rather it be a c-section. If they are not here by the 38th week they will go ahead and take them. This could happen earlier too depending on how they are growing and thriving. With twins it is considered a high risk pregnancy and the risks include, greater chance for gestational diabetes, preeclampsia, intra-uterine growth restriction, pre-term birth, and placenta previa (which I have right now, but that could change) and placental abruption. I have put all my trust in the Lord and I know he is and will take good care of us so I am not too concerned.

As soon as I can, I will post some pictures of the twins and maybe even my pregnant belly!

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