Saturday, December 13, 2008

I can't believe this is me

I knew that swelling occured in pregnancy, but I never knew to what extent. My feet, ankles, and legs hurt so bad I can barely walk. I've developed blisters on the bottom of my feet due to all the swelling which makes it that much harder to walk. I am having to steal my husband's size 13 shoes to wear and those are still tight. Fortunately, the swelling is nothing to be concerned with according to my doctor. He said that it's just more because I'm pregnant with twins. He said it would probably even stay around 1-3 more weeks after delivery! It's fine though. I wouldn't trade it for the world. We are just so grateful that God has blessed us with this pregnancy and that we haven't had any difficulties. My father in law told me last night he believes it has gone as great as it has because of so many people praying for us. I truly believe that. I have to admit I've been a nervous wreck for a lot of this pregnancy just because of our 2 previous losses. Anyways, we've only got 9 days to go before we meet our precious angels. We cannot wait!!!!!!!!!!!!

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